Overcoming a Fear of Dogs
Josie is trained to provide a course to help children and adults overcome a fear of dogs whether that be generalised fear or due to an incident.
The Course
Kids Around Dogs (KAD) is an association of experienced, qualified and knowledgeable trainers and behaviourists with a passion for helping children feel safe around dogs.
Josie has been hand picked to deliver the KAD training protocol to families and children who need support. We used a child-centric approach to work with children to help them overcome a fear of dogs, to feel comfortable around them and regain confidence.
As each child is an individual, we are guided by their needs, experiences and choices creating a no-pressure learning environment. The KAD program is suitable for children ages 4 to 10 years old and helps children learn about dog body language, how to interact with them safely and how to enjoy time with them. We firmly believe that good, age-appropriate education is the key to keeping children and dogs safe around each other.

How it works
This package includes 9 Sessions split as follows:
- 7 x weekly online sessions, each lasting around 20 minutes. These include setting goals for the child to achieve between each session and rewards for meeting these goals.
- 2 x face to face sessions where a dog will be present, also lasting around 20 minutes. There is no pressure for the child to meet the dog until they are ready to do so.
A parent or guardian will need to be present during all online and face to face sessions so that the child can be supported through the programme and help them achieve their weekly goals and agree to appropriate rewards for doing so. Your child will receive a certificate of achievement and a badge when they have completed the course.