Dogs & Children
Once a child is mobile, the dynamic between your dog and child can change. Whether your dog is excited by your toddler moving about or children running around the house and you need help to train your dog and help your children understand what is appropriate around your dog, or if your dog is more nervous around your children, we're here to help.

Dogs and children
Toddlers and young children may crawl or walk after your dog, try to grab ears and tails, get in dog beds and many more explorative behaviours however, this can result in dogs feeling uncomfortable and the last thing we want to happen is for your dog to react to your child in an unsafe way. Older children may not be able to read a dogs body language as well as an adult and again, dogs can be put in uncomfortable positions, causing them stress.

During 121 sessions, Josie will assess your dog and the dynamic with you and the children within the home and provide you with management strategies for the home, training techniques for your dog and information for your children about how to interact safely with your dog.
Josie will support you throughout and help you work towards a happier, more settled and safe home with your children and dogs.